Foreign applicant's hour

The International Partnerships Office of Minsk State Linguistic University conducts online consultations for foreign applicants on admission to MSLU on Fridays at 14.00 (GMT +3: 00).

What will you learn during the consultation?

During online consultations you will learn about the key points related to admission to MSLU, about the areas of training and conditions of admission, about the procedure of issuing an invitation and enrollment.

In addition, you can ask any questions about admission and study at our university.

How to connect?

Theme: Zoom meeting invitation - Zoom Meeting MSLU MINSK

Link to Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 872 3249 3365
Access code: mi9p5Y

Who is consulting?

Employees of the International Partnerships Office of of Minsk State Linguistic University

When do the consultations take place?

On Fridays at 14:00 Minsk time (GMT +3: 00).