Information about Belarus

The Republic of Belarus is a unitary democratic social legal state. It is a presidential republic in terms of its political system, and it is a socially oriented state in terms of its economic policy.


Belarus is a beautiful country located in the very heart of Europe. It borders on five states. The regions bordering on Poland are in the west of the country, the north-western part is close to Lithuania, in the north Belarusian territories border on Latvia and Russia, in the south our country is close to Ukraine and in the east and north-east – to Russia. 

Capital: Minsk
Languages: Belarusian, Russian
National currency: Belarusian ruble (BYN)
Number of residents: 9, 480.9 million
Timezone: UTC+3
Telephone code: +375
Climate: Moderately continental


Minsk has all kinds of public transport: trams, trolleybuses, buses and route taxis.


These are the toll free numbers you need to call in case of emergency in Belarus:

  • Police - 102
  • Ambulance - 103
  • Fire department - 101
  • Common emergency call number - 112